If you are exploring Res for the first time , welcome! Find out how to get connected below!


If you're new to Res or would like more information about our beliefs, leadership, or the Christian faith, please click the link below to complete a "Getting Connected" submission. Pam Waldhauser, Director of Connections and Congregational Care, will reach out to you soon.

You're also welcome to email her directly at or call the church office at 410-560-0456.


How should I dress?
Our main goal is that you would feel welcome and comfortable during your visit here at Resurrection. Feel free to dress in any way you feel comfortable. The attire of our congregation ranges from casual to more formal, based on the preferences of individuals.
Do I have to be a member at Resurrection to take Communion?
All who profess faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior are welcomed to receive the Sacrament with us, regardless of a person’s denomination or church background.
Do you have a children’s program?
We do have a vibrant and growing children's program for children ages birth-5th grade. 
Who can I call if I need to talk to someone?
You can call the church office (410-560-0456). For Pastoral Care, please reach out to Pam Waldhauser or Rev. Pouya Heidari.


How should I dress?
Our main goal is that you would feel welcome and comfortable during your visit here at Resurrection. Feel free to dress in any way you feel comfortable. The attire of our congregation ranges from casual to more formal, based on the preferences of individuals.
Do I have to be a member at Resurrection to take Communion?
All who profess faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior are welcomed to receive the Sacrament with us, regardless of a person’s denomination or church background.
Do you have a children’s program?
We do have a vibrant and growing children's program for children ages birth-5th grade. 
Who can I call if I need to talk to someone?
You can call the church office (410-560-0456) Monday - Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm. 


CCB is used to register for and RSVP for events and by service ministries to schedule and communicate.  You can request an account directly from the site. Once an account is created reach out to to set up a time to get your picture taken and ensure your account is set up.
You can access a CCB Basic Training presentation here to get acclimated.
The weekly newsletter offers a pastoral message, featured all parish events, and upcoming ministry opportunities. The newsletter provides a means to keep connected to the seasons of ministry, the Res community, and themes of the current Gospel messages.
Members of Church of the Resurrection may access the Instant Church Directory for a  listing of families and individuals that call Res their home church.

Already a member? Click on the link and use the email address associated with your CCB account to create a login.

Discover Your Calling: Spiritual Gifts Test

Why is learning your spiritual gifts important? 
Knowing your spiritual gifts in Christianity is important because it helps you understand how God has uniquely equipped you to serve others and fulfill His purpose for your life. By recognizing and using your gifts, you can contribute to the growth of the church, support fellow believers, and bring glory to God. It also helps you grow in faith and strengthens your connection to the body of Christ

Instructions for completing the online Spiritual Gifts Test:
(Using the link below)

  1. Select "Individual" to start 
  2. Complete the "Tell Us About You" section
  3. Select "Spiritual Gifts Test and Personality Test"
  4. Enter Church of the Resurrection's Access Code: 61687317
  5. Create a username and password
  6. Click "Unlock Your Full Potential" button and get started

Discover Your Calling: Spiritual Gifts Test

Why is learning your spiritual gifts important? 
Knowing your spiritual gifts in Christianity is important because it helps you understand how God has uniquely equipped you to serve others and fulfill His purpose for your life. By recognizing and using your gifts, you can contribute to the growth of the church, support fellow believers, and bring glory to God. It also helps you grow in faith and strengthens your connection to the body of Christ

Instructions for completing the online Spiritual Gifts Test:
(Using the link below)

  1. Select "Individual" to start 
  2. Complete the "Tell Us About You" section
  3. Select "Spiritual Gifts Test and Personality Test"
  4. Enter Church of the Resurrection's Access Code: 61687317
  5. Create a username and password
  6. Click "Unlock Your Full Potential" button and get started