Kingdom Partnership in Mission is a core value at Resurrection.
We express Christ's love in tangible and practical ways to our community and beyond.


FaithWorks provides opportunities for Res parishioners to encounter Christ by serving in outreach ministry partnerships. Serving through FaithWorks is a loving and appreciable way to affect the Baltimore community with the good news of the Gospel by putting faith into action and loving our neighbors in tangible ways. Opportunities include partnering with the Belair-Edison community to support families, serving meals at the Helping Up Mission, harvesting food for the hungry at First Fruit Farms and mentoring incarcerated teen boys through UnCuffed Ministries.



First Fruits Farm grows vegetables and fruits to be distributed to those who are hungry in our community through partners like the Helping Up Mission and Manna Food Center. Fresh fruits and vegetables are a big need for food banks and the farm helps fulfill this need.
Why I serve?
“The fields are a sanctuary where you experience God's presence working with a host of others feels like worship, leaving spiritually refreshed!”  
~ Christel Smallman
The Greater Baltimore Center for Pregnancy Concerns is a locally organized and funded volunteer ministry demonstrating the love of Jesus Christ by providing abortion alternatives to women who find themselves in the midst of an unplanned pregnancy.
Why I serve?
"I serve to honor our beloved Carol Clews, the Executive Director of CPC for 20 years who fought bravely to protect women and their unborn children."  ~ Gretchen Carney
The BeTransformed house  vision is to provide a happy home in the Belair-Edison community as a safe place for children and their families to come learn about and experience the radical love of Jesus through play, art, Bible study, counseling, tutoring, and provision.
Why I serve?
“I get to build genuine relationships with children and their families and together we learn about and experience Jesus' love and grace for us.”  
~ Megan Rigos
The BSA partners with churches in economically disadvantaged, high-risk, underserved and under-resourced communities to provide elementary youth with sports programming, academic support, and personal development.
Why I serve?
"The kids learn skills that they can apply on the court, in the classroom, and throughout their life. Our family loved that the Gospel is being shared through fun and sport".
~ Mary Dawson Watson
At Jacob’s Well provides transitional and permanent housing for those who are homeless and mentally ill. Their mission is to end the cycle of homelessness with housing and offering case management to help get other services.
Why I serve?
“We are a consistent presence in the lives of men and women who often have little to count on. And it’s wonderful to serve with other members of the Res community.”
~ Edie Townsend
The Araminta Freedom Initiative’s mission is to awaken, equip, and mobilize the Church and community in Maryland to end human trafficking through education, prevention strategies, and restorative survivor services.
Why I serve?
“Araminta helps children who have been violated to see their value and redemption in the eyes of Christ. Their goal is to restore them not only physically, but also spiritually and within community.  I love being part of that mission.”     ~ Emily Philpot
The Helping Up Mission (HUM) believes God can set people free - free from drugs and alcohol, from poverty and homelessness, and from any other self-destructive behavior.  HUM provides hope to people experiencing homelessness, poverty or addiction by meeting their physical, psychological, social, and spiritual needs. Participants in the HUM program are immersed in a 12-step therapeutic community for one full year.
Center for Women will be able to house 200 women and 50 children. Aside from addiction recovery and safe shelter, it will also provide health and dental care, Bible classes, clothing, education, and workforce development.
Why I serve?
“In a small way, we help to give hope to these men and women.”  – Edie Townsend
Why I serve?
It is exciting to be a part of what God is doing in Baltimore!  I appreciate the opportunity to listen to women's stories and share God's love with them in a variety of ways.  I am hoping to introduce more Res women to my friends at HUM so they, too, can experience the power of the gospel in authentic relationships.” – Kristin Drake
UnCuffed is a Christian organization working with juveniles incarcerated in youth and adult facilities, providing GED tutoring, family support, classes to prepare them for life after incarceration, as well as Bible study and one-on-one mentoring. Innocent or guilty, we want to show these young men that they are loved and valued by us and by God.
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship at Loyola University Maryland. InterVarsity/USA is one of the oldest college ministries in the country. Our vision is to see students and faculty transformed by Jesus, campuses renewed, and world changers developed. We embody this at Loyola through developing student leaders to reach the campus through leading weekly Bible studies and worship spaces, discipling community members, and hosting regular outreach/evangelism events.
Why I serve?
“As I share the hope that Jesus gives, I have been richly blessed by simply getting to know them. Jesus calls each of us to become his ambassadors to those in prison.”  – Bob Carman
Why I serve?
“College was an immensely impactful time for Regina and me; our faith grew leaps and bounds through involvement in church and incredible Christian community.  Supporting Kathryn and InterVarsity is one of the ways that we prayerfully hope to see other lives changed during college, and it's a privilege to be a part of that through prayer and financial partnership.  We love the emphasis on community, spiritual formation, and the  kingdom mindset that Kathryn invites students to embrace.  These are foundational, essential aspects to knowing and loving Jesus, and we're so grateful for Kathryn's faithful witness and desire to see students encounter and receive Jesus more and more."  - Drew Martin
The Salaam Center has serves a wide range of Middle Eastern and African people displaced from their nations (including Syria) have found their way to the Salaam Center. Many of the refugees spent time in refugee camps, and some of the children were born in these camps. The center offers social services, donations, community events, and other support.
Why I serve?
“Can you imagine leaving your country with only what you can carry? Arriving in a new country with little to no language skills in a completely different culture. We don’t have to the leave our country to go on a missions trip; the mission is coming to us.”  - Dan Denton