Learn how to become an official member of Church of the Resurrection
What does it mean to be a member of Church of the Resurrection?

A member of the Church of the Resurrection makes the commitment to invest in:
- Their Own Spiritual Growth in Christ - To take responsibility to initiate personal growth in Christ through regular weekly corporate worship, daily bible study, prayer, and regular fellowship with other Christians.
- The Christian Community - To take initiative to identify personal talents, areas of passion, and spiritual gifts in order to glorify God through lives of Christian service for the building up of the local church.
- God’s Kingdom - To commit to praying for and seeking opportunities to bring gospel renewal to our families, workplaces, neighborhoods, communities, cities, nation and the world by responding to God’s initiatives to love “our neighbor as ourselves”.

The Church of the Resurrection commits to its members that we will:
- Faithfully proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ as revealed in the Old and New Testaments.
- Provide opportunities for each member to grow into the fullness of Christ.
- Provide opportunities for each member to be cared for and served by the church family.
- Provide opportunities for every member to invest time, talents, gifts, and treasures in the local church.
- Provide opportunities for practical ministry to our families, neighbors, cities, nation and the world.
How do I become a Member of Resurrection?
Twice a year, we offer a Membership class called Res101.
More information can be found on the here!
You can also review this packet (PDF Download) which will outline the process. If you have further questions about membership, please contact the office at 410-560-0456 or email Pam at
More information can be found on the here!
You can also review this packet (PDF Download) which will outline the process. If you have further questions about membership, please contact the office at 410-560-0456 or email Pam at