Together, service and discipleship strengthen the church’s mission, enhance communal bonds, and create an environment where faith and action converge.



Mission:  In seeking to know Christ and make Him known, we will work in partnership with local ministries to put our faith into action by loving our neighbors in tangible ways.
Criteria & Expectations
FaithWorks partners with the following local ministries:
  • At Jacob’s Well
  • Be Transformed House in the Belair-Edison Community
  • Helping Up Mission for Men
  • Helping Up Mission Center for Women and Children
  • First Fruits Farm
  • Center for Pregnancy Concerns
  • Uncuffed
  • Baltimore Sports Academy
  • Araminta Freedom Initiative
  • The Salaam Center
The criteria for being a local ministry partner with Church of the Resurrection are:
  • The ministry must have a Christ-centered mission.
  • The ministry must have a member of this church as an active volunteer in the ministry.
  • This ministry must adhere to the fiscal policies of this church.
Church-Wide FaithWorks Projects and Events
Throughout the year, there are various projects and events conducted in support of our FaithWorks local ministry partners. They include:
  • Belair-Edison Elementary Teacher Blessing Event
  • BeTransformed House Coat, Mittens, and Hat Drive
  • Thanksgiving Sharing Project
  • Christmas Sharing Project
  • Easter Sharing Project
  • Center for Pregnancy Concerns Bottle Drive
  • First Fruits Farms Harvesting Events
  • Baltimore Sports Academy Snack Drive

How to Get Involved:

Each FaithWorks partner has a person at Res who is actively volunteering in the ministry. These people are called Res Connectors. Parishioners who want to become involved in volunteering for the ministry or providing resources should contact the Res Connector for information. Current opportunities, ministry partner descriptions and ResConnectors on FaithWorks page



A community group is a group of people that you intentionally share life with in a real, genuine way. The group consists of 15-20 members and meets in Res members’ homes. The community group leader provides oversight and support for the community group.
Criteria & Expectations
Volunteer Criteria: The community group leader must:
  • Be a member of the Church of the Resurrection
  • Believe in and support Res’s core values, vision, and mission
  • Understand and support the five elements of a health small group
  1. Sharing life
  2. Offering hospitality
  3. Engaging with Scripture
  4. Prayer
  5. Service
(For more information about the 5 elements, see the “Community Group Handbook.”)
  • Complete an interview with the staff liaison concerning the practical and spiritual aspects of leading a community group.
  • Complete the Child Protection and CCB Training
Volunteer Expectations: The community group leader shall facilitate the life of the community group by:
  • Meeting bi-weekly (regular schedule),
  • Building community through gathering, worshiping, praying, hospitality and studying Scripture,
  • Equipping the community members to live out Res’s mission,
  • Multiplying the number of people in community groups.

How to Get Involved:

Res members interested in becoming a Community Group Leader should contact Pouya Heidari at  or Pam Waldhauser



Mission:  In seeking to know Christ and make Him known, the Micah 6:8 Group’s mission is to acquaint the Res community with God’s heart for Biblical justice and unity within the Church and to connect Res community members with ways to work for Biblical justice.
Church-Wide Activities
  • Provide opportunities for the Res community to learn how the Gospel can speak to our current culture.
  • Provide opportunities for the Res community to examine what the Bible says about race and racism.
  • Provide opportunities for the Res Community to hear diverse voices from the larger community.
  • Provide opportunities for the Res community to explore ways that we can connect with the larger community to address Biblical justice issues.