20431 Middletown Road, Freeland, MD 21053
First Fruits Farm grows vegetables and fruits to be distributed to those who are hungry in our community through partners such as the Helping Up Mission and Manna Food Center. Fresh fruits and vegetables are always a big need for food banks and First Fruits Farm helps fulfill that need.
How can Res members serve?
We help to harvest the fruits and vegetables. First Fruits Farm gives volunteers on the job training, so no prior experience is needed. Dates are seasonal according to harvest times.
Why I serve?
“Serving at First Fruits Farm is more than just pulling food out of the ground to help feed the hungry. The fields are a sanctuary where you truly experience God's presence, and digging potatoes out of the ground with a host of others feels like worship. I leave a little physically tired, but spiritually refreshed!” - Christel Smallman
Res Connector: Meg Elliott
How can Res members serve?
We help to harvest the fruits and vegetables. First Fruits Farm gives volunteers on the job training, so no prior experience is needed. Dates are seasonal according to harvest times.
Why I serve?
“Serving at First Fruits Farm is more than just pulling food out of the ground to help feed the hungry. The fields are a sanctuary where you truly experience God's presence, and digging potatoes out of the ground with a host of others feels like worship. I leave a little physically tired, but spiritually refreshed!” - Christel Smallman
Res Connector: Meg Elliott