328 N. Howard Street, Baltimore MD 21201

Three Locations:
Medical Services Facility Options@328-328 N. Howard St.
N. Baltimore Resource Center-528 E. 22nd St
Essex Resource Center-1400 Old Eastern Blvd.

Mission Statement:
The Greater Baltimore Center for Pregnancy Concerns is a locally organized and funded volunteer ministry demonstrating the love of Jesus Christ by providing abortion alternatives to women who find themselves in the midst of an unplanned pregnancy. We service clients by addressing their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. We also strive to provide accurate and complete information on prenatal development and abortion. We believe access to this information is needed in order to provide our clients with the facts, allowing them to make informed decisions. Ultimately, we desire to protect the physical, emotional, and spiritual health of our clients and their unborn children. We also provide emotional support and resources to any woman who comes to us having had an abortion. We believe our ministry to these and all women is to share the love of Jesus Christ.

How can Res members serve?
  • Most importantly, pray for the health and safety of women and their unborn children, as well as CPC's staff.
  • Tour our medical facility and share your experience on social media.
  • Make a donation or become a monthly donor.
  • Bilingual volunteers are needed…
    • Woman that speaks Spanish to volunteer at Options@328.
    • Woman familiar with Arabic to be available on call for telephone translations.
  • Legal support for women and their families needing immigration services and help obtaining legal documents.
  • A volunteer to help make “Thank You” calls.
  • A volunteer to do data entry of area churches.
  • Host an event to view CPC’s Second Annual Virtual Fund Raiser.
  • Organize a yard sale for sell items on Facebook Marketplace and donate the proceeds to CPC.
  • Host a baby shower for an expectant mother.

Why I serve?
“Mark 10:13-16. People were bringing little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. The unborn are under attack and need protection. All of the services and resources provided by CPC are free. We are called to help. Many of you know our beloved Carol Clews. She was the Executive Director of CPC for 20 years and fought bravely to protect women and their unborn children. I serve to honor her. Contact me to get started or for more information.” - Gretchen Carney

Res Connector: Gretchen Carney